Gynaecomastia (Available Upon Request)


Usually, men aged between fifty and seventy have extra, swollen breast tissue. However, this condition may be prevalent in adolescent boys as well. Gynecomastia is a physically unflattering condition that occurs due to an increase in breast tissue. Even though swelling of the breast tissue is a harmless physical condition, men with gynecomastia develop anxiety and depression over the condition.

A disruption in hormonal balance leads to breast enlargement. Other causes are related to substance abuse, drug use, the natural ageing process, hyperthyroidism, endocrine disorders that upset the balance of hormones and hypogonadism when the gonads (sex glands) secrete too little sex hormones.


Diagnostic tests for gynecomastia include an MRI scan, CT scan, mammogram, tissue biopsy and testicular ultrasound. Should gynaecomastia arise from a hormonal disorder, a test from your primary GP would be required before surgery.

Gynecomastectomy makes use of liposuction to reduce large breast volume. Afterwards, the surgeon creates an incision over the areola close to the nipple to remove extra breast tissue.

Dr Kleintjes can combine several techniques (liposuction, breast tissue excision, surgical removal of loose skin and areola repositioning) to achieve a flat, masculine-looking chest.

The surgery lasts under two hours, and usually, with excessive weight loss, extra skin may hang loose. As a result, the plastic surgeon also removes extra skin around the breasts. Dr Kleintjes has the aesthetic talent to contour the area perfectly through a less invasive surgical technique with minimal scarring.


The results of the surgery are magnanimous. As a result, you will notice an improvement in your confidence due to the aesthetic appeal of your newly sculpted chest. Primarily, surgery improves self-confidence and reduces discomfort and emotional stress associated with gynecomastia.

Recovery after surgery involves wearing a compression garment (compression shirt) to protect the chest until you heal completely. Upper body exercises such as weightlifting and using the arms must be discontinued unless Dr Kleintjes says otherwise.


1When should I seek treatment for gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is a common condition found in pubescent men. Usually, within the first or second year of puberty, gynecomastia goes away on its own. However, when the condition persists for over a year, you need to follow up with treatment.
2How do I know I am a good candidate for breast reduction surgery?
A good candidate eligible for gynecomastia surgery meets the following criteria:
  • Is a non-smoker
  • Presence of breast tissue
  • Hormonal imbalance causing excess breast tissue to develop
  • Healthy and at a good weight
3When can I expect a full recovery from gynecomastia surgery?
At the time, you could not use your arms as much to prevent fluid build-up. Drains placed at the incision sites help monitor the amount of fluid emptied. As a result, you can expect to recover fully within six weeks after surgery.